Frequently Asked Questions System Manager

Why can’t I see Network Printers

Network printing is only available where a Virtual Private Network (VPN) exists. A VPN is basically a secure TCP/IP tunnel between two networks that allows traffic to flow privately and securely over the public internet. The tunnel can support the flow of TCP/IP traffic that might not otherwise be possible without creating a security risk to the devices on your office network.

To create a VPN you will need to contact our support team to arrange the technical configuration required at our cloud-based data center. Once a VPN is created, individual network printers that have a static IP address on your office network can be configured at the Online Advantage data center so that OA can send print jobs (Documents/Reports) directly to those printers.

Report Launching options with networking printing enabled.
Options with network printing off
Report Launching options with network printing disabled.

If you do not have a VPN then OA can only print to your printers via a client device with a browser running inside the office network. When no VPN is available, we recommend that you ‘switch off’ the network printing option so that users don’t see it as available when running reports.To switch off network printing at a system level, use the System Options function.

If you have a VPN available at some branch offices and not others, you can switch off network printing for individual users via the User Details function.

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