Inventory Control

Upload Barcodes


This routine can be used to upload barcodes for inventory Products from a file created outside of the system. This is an alternative way of updating barcodes into the system and is most useful when you are updating large volumes. Using this method a “spread-sheet” style tool can be used to create a list of products you want with barcode details as needed.

Note: This function only uploads product barcodes for existing products. For additional details on creating upload files see the note HERE.

Data Input


Step 1 – Upload File

Clear or Append

Select ‘Clear’ if you want to replace existing barcodes with the new barcodes found in the file you upload. If you want to add more barcodes to what is already recorded in the system, then choose the ‘Append’ option.  This option ONLY applies to the products listed in your file and does not clear all barcodes recorded in the system.

Upload File

Find and select the spreadsheet file you wish to upload, by clicking ‘Browse’. This assumes you have access to the file with the product barcode details from the browser that you are currently using.

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Step 2 – Verify File Details

The new barcode details of the spread sheet are displayed so that you can review the data and confirm that the correct file has been uploaded before you continue.

Click Submit to submit all the details.
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Spread sheet format

The spread sheet must be in a csv format.

The first row of the spread sheet must be a heading row – it does not matter what the headings are, as long as they are meaningful to you e.g. you could have ‘Product’, ‘Product Code’ or ‘SKU’.

The columns required are:

Column Name Additional Details
A Product Code Must be a valid product on the Product Master file.
B Barcode Mandatory. This is the barcode to upload. The barcode represents the Product, size and colour of the inventory item. The barcode may not be used as a barcode on a different product. The barcode may not be the same as an existing product code.
C Size Code Must be a valid size on the Size Master file and must be a valid size against the product being update.
D Colour Code Must be a valid colour on the Colours Master file and must be a valid colour against the product being updated.
E Unit This is a three character abbreviated Unit Of Measure (UOM) that the bar code represents for this product. It can be in either Stock (STK) units, Purchase (PUR) units, Sales (SLS) units or Warehouse (WHS) units.

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Once you click submit, the rows on the spread sheet are validated.
If no invalid data is detected, the list of barcodes is updated and cross-referenced with products ready for use.

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