
Upload Purchase Orders


This procedure is used to upload Purchase Orders from a file created outside of the system. This is an alternative way of entering these details and is useful where you are entering purchase orders with large volumes of products. Using this method a “spread-sheet” style tool can be used to create a list of purchase orders you want to upload.

Note: This function only uploads new purchase orders. Purchase Orders that are already existing may not be updated via this function. For additional details on creating upload files see the note HERE.

Data Input

Step 1 – File Upload

Upload File

Select the spread sheet file you wish to upload, by clicking Browse. This assumes you have access to the file with the new purchase orders from the browser you are currently using.
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Step 2 – Review details

The purchase order details of the file selected will be displayed so that you can review the data and confirm that the correct file has been uploaded before you continue.
Click Submit to submit all the details.
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Spread sheet format

The spread sheet must be in a csv format.

The first row of the spread sheet must be a heading row – it does not matter what the headings are, as long as they are meaningful to you e.g. you could have ‘Product’, ‘Product Code’ or ‘SKU’.
There are a number of columns required and you can download the spread sheet template from here.

The columns required are:

Column Name Additional Details
A Purchase Order Number Use ‘N’ to assign the next Purchase Order number, otherwise use a purchase order number that does not exist already. Mandatory.
B Supplier Code This is the Supplier code for the supplier you are placing the order with. This supplier must already exist. Mandatory.
C Required Date This is the date you would like to receive the purchase items. Must be a valid date. Mandatory.
D Receiving Location This is the Location code of the stock location the goods will be receipted in to. Must be a validation location. Mandatory.
E Product Code This is the Product code of the product line item being purchased. Must be a valid product code. Mandatory.

Use a hyphen ‘-‘ to indicate purchase of a sundry item.

Use a ‘T’ to indicate a ‘text only’ line. Put the text in the item notes column. The Buyer, Order Date, Location and Line Number are also required for text only lines.

F Size Code This is the Size code of the size of the product being ordered. Must be a valid size code and valid for the product being ordered. Leave blank if you do not use sizes for the product.
G Colour Code This is the Colour code of the colour of the product being ordered. Must be a valid colour code and valid for the product being ordered. Leave blank if you do not specify colours for the product.
H Order Qty This is the quantity required to be ordered in stock units. Mandatory.
I Currency Code This is the Currency code of the currency the order is being placed in. Leave blank if the purchase order is for a local supplier. Must be a valid currency code. Optional.
J Exchange Rate If the order is for foreign currency, this is the exchange rate. Optional.
K Order Date This is the date of placing the order. Must be a valid date. Optional. Will be set to current date if left blank.
L Expected Date This is the date the order is expected to arrive. Must be a valid date. Optional.
M Buyer This is the Buyer code of the buyer placing the order. Must be a valid buyer. Mandatory.
N Back Order Code This is the back order code which specifies how back orders are to be treated. Must be one of B (Back Order), C (Cancel) or P (Prompt).
O Notes These are general notes about the purchase order. Optional.
P Receiving Location Address Line 1 Address the supplier is to send the goods to. Leave blank to default to the receiving stock location’s address. Optional.
Q Receiving Location Address Line 2 Address the supplier is to send the goods to. Leave blank to default to the receiving stock location’s address. Optional.
R Receiving Location Address Line 3 Address the supplier is to send the goods to. Leave blank to default to the receiving stock location’s address. Optional.
S Receiving Location Address Suburb Address the supplier is to send the goods to. Leave blank to default to the receiving stock location’s address. Optional.
T Receiving Location Address Postcode Address the supplier is to send the goods to. Leave blank to default to the receiving stock location’s address. Optional.
U Receiving Location Address State Address the supplier is to send the goods to. Leave blank to default to the receiving stock location’s address. Optional.
V Receiving Location Address Country Address the supplier is to send the goods to. Leave blank to default to the receiving stock location’s address. Optional.
W Shipping Port This is the Shipping Port the goods will be shipped from. Must be a valid Shipping Port. Optional.
X Delivery Method This is the Delivery Method to be used. Must be a valid delivery method. Optional.
Y Estimated Departure Date This is the date it is estimated the shipment will leave the supplier. Must be a valid date. Optional.
Z Estimated Arrival Date This is the date it is estimated the shipment will arrive. Must be a valid date. Optional.
AA Confirmation Number This is the confirmation number/bill of lading of the purchase order. Optional.
AB Payment Method This is the Payment Method for the purchase order. Must be a valid method of payment. Optional.
AC Payment Reference This is the payment reference for the purchase order. Optional.
AD Unit Price ex Tax This is the unit price for the product on the purchase order. Leave blank to let the system price the purchase using the  supplier’s prices held on file. Optional.
AE Duty This is the duty code to use for foreign orders. Leave blank for local currency orders. If no currency is specified, duty code is cleared. Optional.
AF Override ETA date This is an override ETA date for the product on the purchase order. Must be a valid date. Optional.
AG Unit On Cost This is the on cost amount for the product on the purchase order. Optional.
AH Unit weight This is the weight per unit for the product on the purchase order. Optional.
AI Unit Volume This is the volume per unit for the product on the purchase order. Optional.
AJ Item Notes This is for notes pertaining to a product on the purchase order. Optional.
AK Sundry Description This is a textual description of a sundry item on the purchase order. Product code must be ‘-‘. Optional.
AL Sundry Purchase Unit This is a textual description of a unit of measure for the sundry item e.g. EA, LTR. Product code must be ‘-‘. Optional.
AM Posting Method Required when a sundry item is being added to the purchase order. Must be either ‘G’ for a General Ledger posting, ‘W’ for a Work Order posting or ‘J’ for a Job Costing posting.
AN Posting Account Required when a sundry item is being added to the purchase order. Must be a valid account in General Ledger.
AO Posting Branch Required when a sundry item is being added to the purchase order. Must be a valid branch. Use % or blank for auto allocation of branch.
AP Posting Division Required when a sundry item is being added to the purchase order. Must be a valid division. Use % or blank for auto allocation of division.
AQ Posting Work Order Required when a sundry item is being added to the purchase order and the Posting Method is ‘W’. Must be a valid work order and can be current or completed.
AR Posting Other Charge Required when a sundry item is being added to the purchase order and the Posting Method is ‘W’. Must be a valid Other Charge code in manufacturing.
AS Posting Job Number Required when a sundry item is being added to the purchase order and Posting Method is ‘J’. Must be a valid Job that is open.
AT Branch Auto Allocation Set to ‘Y’ if you want to apply auto allocation to posting branch for sundry items on the purchase order. Optional.
AU Division Auto Allocation Set to ‘Y’ if you want to apply auto allocation to posting division for sundry items on the purchase order. Optional.
AV Internal Notes This is for any internal notes about the purchase order as a whole. Optional.

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Once you click submit, the rows on the spread sheet are validated. If no invalid data is detected, the Purchase Orders are created via a background task. Once that background task is completed, you will receive an email notification advising you of the purchase order numbers created.

Technical Note: The reason the purchase orders are created via a background task is because the size of the upload file is unknown, and therefore the length of time to process the data and create the purchase orders is unknown. If server does not return a response to the user’s browser within a specified period of time a ‘timeout’ notification will be shown. For this reason, this function operates as a background task and the server returns an immediate response to the user who can continue with other tasks. They are then notified that the task is complete via email at a later time.

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