Accounts Payable Purchasing

Purchase Types

Purchase Types contain descriptive details on the types (or categories) of products that you purchase. It’s a way to ‘group’ and describe the suppliers by the product or service they provide.

You can record one or more Purchase Types against a Supplier account and this can be used to target specific suppliers when sending out a Request for Quote (tender) on particular products, or as a filter when running reports.


Some sample Purchase Types to consider: Steel Fabricator, Welding Consumables, Paint, Spare Parts, Consulting, Maintenance Services.

For example, you have several suppliers that supply you with ‘spare parts’. You want to purchase some parts and so you want to get quotes from your known suppliers to see who has the best offering. You enter a ‘Request for Quote’ (which is similar to a Purchase Order but with a ‘Purchase Type’ nominated instead of a particular Supplier). Then, when you send out the Request-for-Quote, it is emailed to all the suppliers who are nominated as supplying ‘spare parts’ asking them to quote on supply.

Minimum Requirements

The use of Purchase Types within Online Advantage is completely optional. There is no need to set-up any details if you are not planning to use the ‘Request For Quote’ functionality.

Changing Established Data

Add new Purchase Types anytime and apply them to your Suppliers at required.

Panel Options

  • Standard panel features
  • Maintenance
  • Views
    • Audit – shows an audit of data changes made over time to the purchasing type currently being viewed
    • Where Used – shows the suppliers designated as a supplier of the current purchasing type being viewed
  • Reports
    • List Purchase Types

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