Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Online Tools System Manager

Contact Classifications

Contact Classifications are used to “categorise” your contacts in a way that helps you define them for your purposes.

For instance, classification(s) can be used to filter Contact selections so you can target certain contacts for mail merges, marketing or sales call targeting.

You can include a given contact under multiple classifications. This means you can, if needed, create multiple lists within your classifications to provide you with different filters options.


Some examples of categories to consider are using are:

  • Enterprise Size: Small Business, Medium Business, Large/Corporate
  • Enterprise Type: Sole Trader, Partnership, Private Company, Public Listed Company
  • Industry Type: Finance, IT, Utilities, Real Estate, Health, Industrial etc. See GICS and ANZSIC classifications
  • Location Type: Domestic, Export, Local, Inter-State, Overseas
  • Sales Target: High Priority, Medium Priority, Low Priority, Competitor
  • Call Frequency: Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annually
  • Mail Category: Newsletter, New Product Announcements, Price List Updates

The power of using multiple classifications across your Contacts database comes into play when you need to do a mail out to all the contacts that are “Medium Size Businesses” in the “Health” industry that are located “Inter-State” and are “High” or “Medium” sales target priorities.

Minimum Requirements

Use of Classifications on Contacts is completely optional, so you don’t have to set up any at all if you don’t need them.

Changing Established Data

You can add Classifications and update Contacts with new Classifications at any time.

Panel Options

  • Standard panel features
  • Maintenance
  • Views
    • Audit – shows the audit of data changes made over time to the classification currently being viewed
    • Where used – shows the list of contacts with the classification currently being viewed
    • Contacts by Classification – shows a list of all contacts sorted by classifications (Note: contacts with multiple classifications will appear on this list multiple times).
  • Reports
    • List Contact Classifications

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