Release 9.5

Version 9.5.1572.1 Online Advantage

Release August 2024: Version 9.5.1572.1 Online Advantage

Bank Reconciliation – we’ve made several enhancements to this function as below:

  • now recording the “last” statement number reconciled per bank so that it is available for the next reconciliation
  • behind the scenes we’re now automatically storing bank related reports into the OA Document Library. This feature has been included now to make sure historical reports are available for viewing as part of the new v10 Bank panel tool. The reports being stored for future lookup are:
    • EOM Bank Reconciliation report
    • Bank Items Reconciled report
  • various general improvements to banking as part of an on-going re-design process in preparation for the new v10 reconciliation tool

Service Product purchase details – we’ve enabled the ability to record preferred supplier details per ‘Service’ product so that this information can flow through to the purchasing processes

Sales Order Item Reports – completed adjustments to the report headings and the layouts

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