Accounts Receivable Sales Analysis

Rep (aka Till Operator) Category Maintenance

Rep Category Code

Rep Category code can be numeric or alpha.

For details on the use of “codes”, see The Role of “Codes” in Online Advantage

Category Name

Enter text to describe the Rep Category. This is shown when selecting a Rep Category or when selecting one on-screen.
For more details on descriptions, see The Role of “Names & Descriptions” in Online Advantage

Sales Commissions for all Reps in this Category

The rep category’s sales commission details are used to calculate sales rep commissions based on the sales activity recorded for each rep. The commission calculation is based on a straight percentage calculation of gross sales value. e.g. In the list you can enter one or more commission rates in a sliding scale as follows:

Sales ValueCommission Rate

The above nominates that the commission rate is 0% for sales up to $100,000, 1% for sales between $200,000 and $350,000, and 1.75% for all sales above that. Note that the sales values are monthly figures as Online Advantage calculates commissions on a monthly cycle. A monthly Sales Reps Commission Statement is generated during the Sales ‘End Of Month’ (EOM) close-off.

These commission details may be overridden by Product Group per Sales Rep.

Click ‘Add’ to add the sales value and commission to list.
Click the ‘Delete’ icon in the grid to delete the sales value and commission rate from the list.

Sales Value

Enter the sales value i.e. the maximum sale value for which the commission rate will be used.

Commission Rate

Enter the commission rate to be used for the corresponding ‘sales value’ entered. The rate must be between 0% and 99.99%.

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