Point Of Sale

Till Maintenance

Till Code

Till code can be numeric or alpha or a mix of both.

You can create a new till by copying details from an existing till and then making adjustments as needed.

For details on the use of “codes”, see The Role of “Codes” in Online Advantage

Till Status

The current status of the till is shown for reference. A till may be in one of 3 ‘states’:

  • ‘open’ – ready to transact against (in use)
  • ‘closed’ – transactions completed for the session/day and waiting to be reconciled
  • ‘reconciled’ – till has been closed and reconciled and is ready to be open

You may not edit details of a given till whilst it is in the ‘open’ state i.e. in use.

Till Name

Enter the name of the till. This name is used to help identify the correct till when selecting the till to use at the start of transaction entry. It is also shown on the screen during Point Of Sale (POS) entry and appears on payment receipt and till reconciliation functions/reports.
For more details on descriptions, see The Role of “Names & Descriptions” in Online Advantage

Stock Location

Enter the Stock Location that the system will use for stock transactions for the sales processed under this till. This is a mandatory entry for each till. Note that the Stock Location may not be changed while the till is open (in use).


Enter the Bank Account to be used for the Till. This is a mandatory entry for each till. This setting defines the bank account the system will use to record all payments received whilst using this till. Note that the till bank may not be changed while the till is open.

Default Customer

Enter the default Customer to be used when processing transactions with this Till. This is a mandatory entry for each till. The till customer may not be changed while the till is open.

This customer is usually a generic ‘retail’ customer or ‘cash’ Customer and is used by default for POS transactions. In POS you can override this default customer when you need to record a transaction for a different customer i.e. an ‘account’ customer.

Note that you can also record a ‘cash sale name’ and address during a POS transaction if you want to record a Special Order or Layby Order (or for any other purpose you require) using the default customer.

Alternate Customer

Recording a second or ‘Alternate Customer’ on a Till is optional. It is useful when you have two types of general customers that regularly visit your store and you need to be able to quickly swap between them.

For example, if you have ‘Retail’ and ‘Trade’ customers where the trade customer gets different pricing to the standard ‘retail’ prices. If your customers are mostly ‘Retail’ then set up a ‘CASH’ account as the Default Customer and a ‘TRADE’ customer as the Alternate Customer. The customers can be on different price levels and their sales transactions will then be recorded for separate sale analysis.

Default Market Segment

Select the Default Market Segment of the Till. This is an optional setting. If left blank, the market segment from the customer on the transaction will be used by default. The Market Segment may not be changed while the till is open.

This Market Segment is used as the default ‘Sale Time Market Segment‘ for each transaction performed under the till. You can override the Market Segment on each transaction as required if you want to do detailed sales analysis on the sale time market segment.

Allow Cash Out This Till

Enable this option if you want to allow Till Operators to offer ‘Cash Out’ when they process an EFTPOS payment receipt. The ‘Cash Out’ option also needs to enabled on the ‘EFTPOS’ Tender Type for cash out to be available.

General Ledger Account to post Till Adjustment to


Enter the General Ledger (GL) account code to be used for till adjustments. This is a mandatory entry for each till. Any adjustments entered against the till will then be posted to this account in the GL.

Branch & Division

To complete the GL posting details, you must select Branch and Division for use with till adjustments.

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