Accounts Payable Purchasing

Delivery Methods

A purchase Delivery Method is a description of how an order is to be delivered e.g. Truck, Rail, Air, Sea etc. Delivery Methods are allocated to purchase orders and shipments in the purchasing system and are used for tracking and reporting of your purchase activity.

You can assign a Delivery Method to a Supplier so that orders raised for that supplier automatically default to that delivery method. The delivery method on a Purchase Order or Shipment can be changed from the default as required.


Example 1 – If your supplier offered two methods of delivery (e.g. ‘Post’ or ‘Express Post’) you can set the preference to ‘Post’ against the Supplier. If you have an order that’s urgent, you can override the delivery method to ‘Express Post’ during Purchase Order entry. The required delivery method prints on the Purchase Order docket to let the supplier know how you would like the order delivered.

Example 2 – If you have a supplier close by that is cheaper, you can flag a delivery method as ‘pick-up’. The delivery address on a purchase order using a ‘pickup’ delivery method is set to ‘pick-up’ so the supplier knows to put the order in their warehouse pick-up collection area instead of shipping it out.

Minimum Requirements

Delivery Methods are an optional list and do not need to be created unless you intend to use them for tagging your Suppliers and Purchases.

Changing Established Data

Add new Purchase Delivery Methods and apply to Suppliers at any time.

Panel Options

  • Standard panel features
  • Maintenance
  • Views
    • Audit – shows an audit of data changes made over time to the delivery method currently being viewed
    • Where used – shows lists of suppliers and outstanding purchase orders using the delivery method currently being viewed
  • Reports
    • List Tender Types

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