System Manager

User Classifications

User Classifications allow you to “group” users for reporting and selection.

Note that any one user can belong to multiple classification groups as appropriate.


Some examples of classifications to consider using are:

  • IT personnel
  • Users at specific locations e.g. Perth Office, Brisbane Office
  • Office users
  • Factory users
  • Field Reps
  • Managers
  • B2B Portal Users

Some example of use are:

  • you want to message all users in the ‘Brisbane Office’ classification that there is a scheduled network outage on a particular day
  • you want to report on users but exclude users classified as ‘B2B Portal Users’
  • you want to add or remove function access for Field Reps

Minimum Requirements

Use of Classifications on Users is completely optional, so you don’t have to set up any at all if you don’t need them.

Changing Established Data

You can add Classifications and update Users with new Classifications at any time.

Panel Options

  • Standard panel features
  • Maintenance
  • Views
    • Audit – shows an audit of data changes made over time to the classification currently being viewed
    • Where used – shows the list of users allocated to the classification currently being viewed
    • Users by Classification – shows a list of all users sorted by classifications (Note: users with multiple classifications will appear on this list multiple times).
  • Reports
    • List User Classifications

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