Accounts Receivable

Customer Types

Each Customer account is assigned a Customer Type which can be used for report filtering and grouping purposes. But the main purpose of Customer Types is to provide a way to differentiate the General Ledger ‘Trade Debtors’ and/or ‘Sales’ accounts when posting a transaction. You can assign Customer accounts a Customer Type that has different accounts to the default system GL ‘Sales’ or ‘Trade Debtors’ accounts to change the posting destination.

There are 3 customer types that are delivered with the system as standard:

  • Domestic (D)
  • Export (E)
  • Inter-company (I)

As an example, Customers designated with a Customer Type of ‘Domestic’ use the ‘Trade Debtors-domestic’ and ‘Sales-domestic’ general ledger accounts as defined in the Control Pointers, whereas Customers with a Customer Type of ‘Export’ use the ‘Trade Debtors-export’ and ‘Sales-export’ accounts.

If you have no need for such a separation of figures in General Ledger, then the ‘domestic’, ‘export’ and ‘inter-co’ control pointers may all be set to the same account, and all Customers may be set to Customer Type of ‘Domestic’.

If you would like to add more separation to your Trade Debtors or Sales accounts, then you may create new Customer Types in addition to the standard Customer Types by creating a new code and setting the Trade Debtors and Sales Accounts as required.


Under Control Pointers you have set ‘Sales-export’ to post to the ‘Sales-export’ GL account, but you want to break down export sales into 3 geographical areas:

  • Oceania
  • Europe
  • Asia

You can create three new ‘Customer Types’ to represent those areas and enter an override ‘sales’ account. Then assign the customer types to the customer accounts. Future sales will post to the ‘sales’ account set up on the customer’s assigned type.

Minimum Requirements

The 3 customer types (Domestic, Export and Inter-company) are delivered with the software. Each customer account must be assigned one of these types. You don’t need to create more customer types unless you need to.

Changing Established Data

You can change the Customer’s Type at any time but be aware that interim postings to the GL for customers within that type will not update retrospectively during the month. Only future sales transactions will be posted to the GL accounts nominated on the new type. However at EOM the interim postings will be replaced with final EOM GL journals that will use the GL accounts allocated to the customer types at the EOM point.

Panel Options

  • Standard panel features
  • Maintenance
  • Views
    • Audit – shows an audit of the data changes made over time to the customer type currently being viewed
    • Where used – shows a list of Customers assigned to the customer type currently being viewed.
  • Reports
    • List Customer Types

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