Accounts Receivable Business To Business Order Management Point Of Sale Sales Analysis

Sales Reps (aka Till Operators)

Sales Representatives (Reps) can be assigned to Customer Accounts to define which customers a rep manages. All customers must be assigned a Sales Rep. Having the Sales Rep facilitates the following:

  • Sales Reporting by Current Rep (where Current Rep is the Rep recorded on the Customer Account)
  • Sales Reporting by Sale Time Rep ( where the Sale Time Rep is the Rep selected for the Transaction)
  • Display of Reps name on document formats
  • Sales Budgeting by Sales Rep
  • Sales Commissions calculated for Rep
  • Rep Week Sequence can be added to Customer Accounts to enable Rep Visit reporting
  • Access of Rep’s customer list to flow to mobile applications/rep portals
  • Email to Rep on customer ‘events’ such as credit limit problems, large order alerts, eCommerce portal orders or quote requests

If a new rep is taking over a leaving rep’s customer accounts, you can use transfer the rep using the Transfer Reps function.

In Point-Of-Sale (POS) a rep ‘doubles’ as a Till Operator for ‘sign on’ to the POS transactions function. Where a rep is used for POS, a password is required to be entered on the rep for verification during POS sign-on.


Using Current Rep and Sale Time Rep for Reporting

Your organisation might have multiple needs for Sales Reporting by Rep. You might like to see the Sales by Rep for the customers allocated to a particular Rep. You might also have a store with Customer Service Staff and might like to see the Sales per Customer Service Rep. By assigning a different rep during the Sales Transaction with Order Entry or POS the Sale Time Sales Analysis will reflect the value of sales per rep recorded on the transaction. Whereas the Current Rep Sales will always reflect Sales for the account Rep recorded against the customer.

Using Rep Week Sequence you are able to set a Rep/Week Sequence number that can be selected when running customer reports that the Rep can use to scheduler customer visits. Reps can record “visit” notes under a Reps Note Category for future reference and activity reporting.

Sales Budgeting is available at a Rep Level. The OA Sales Standard and Formatted Reports can be used for Sales Rep Budgeting Analysis.

You can use the rep as a filter in sales analysis to see activity to that rep’s customers.

Panel Options

  • Standard panel features
  • Maintenance
  • Views
    • Audit – shows an audit of data changes made over time to the rep currently being viewed
    • Rep Order Summary – shows a list of outstanding orders for customers assigned to the rep being viewed
    • Reps by category – shows a list of reps by category
  • Reports
    • Rep Details reports – these show the settings held for each sales rep

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