System Manager

Countries Maintenance

Country Code

The countries file is populated when the software is installed and it is anticipated that you won’t need to add more countries. The country codes provided are as per ISO 3166 alpha-2 country codes.

For details on the use of “codes”, see The Role of “Codes” in Online Advantage

Country Name

Enter the name of the country. This is a mandatory field.

For more details on descriptions, see The Role of “Names & Descriptions” in Online Advantage


Select this to make a country active. Only active countries will appear in the available list of countries when entering addresses. This makes choosing a country when entering addresses more manageable.

Postal Codes

Postcode word

Enter the ‘postcode’ word. Whatever word is entered here e.g. Postcode, Zip Code will be displayed when entering address information for this Country.

Validate Postcode

If you are able to maintain a set of postcodes for the country, then select this option so that postcode is validated when entering address information, otherwise leave this option un-selected and postcode input will be free-form “text” input during address entry.

Postcode Finder Link

Enter the link for postcode finder. This allows you to include a URL (Uniform Resource Locator or web link) for the country’s postal web site so users can easily find postcodes if they need to. As an example, for Australia, the link: could be used. This is especially useful if the ‘Validate Postcode’ option is not selected as it give users a way of doing a quick lookup of a post code when required.

Postcode Finder Text

Enter the text for the Postcode Finder link. This is the text that will appear when entering addresses. It sits ‘in front of’ the finder link, so instead of seeing you would see some more user friendly text – like Find Postcode if you enter that term here.


The state details are displayed in a list. Click the delete icon in the grid to delete a state. To add a state, click Add.

The states entered here will be available for selection when entering addresses. This leads to more consistent data – so you won’t end up with varying inputs like: nsw, NSW, N.S.W. etc. Having these “code” based also makes the “State” a very useful reporting filter and consolidation

State word

Enter the ‘state’ word. Whatever word is entered here e.g. State, Region, Province will be displayed when entering address information for this Country.

State Code

Enter the state code. For details on the use of “codes”, see The Role of “Codes” in Online Advantage

State Name

Enter a name to be used to describe the state. For more details on descriptions, see The Role of “Names & Descriptions” in Online Advantage

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