
Manufacturing Overheads Maintenance

Overhead Code

Overhead code can be alpha or numeric.

For details on the use of “codes”, see The Role of “Codes” in Online Advantage

Overhead Name

Enter text to describe the overhead. This description is used on specifications and work orders.

For more details on descriptions, see The Role of “Names & Descriptions” in Online Advantage.

Current Overhead

Overhead %

Enter the overhead percentage. This is used to calculate Overhead costs.

Calculation Method

Select the calculation method to be used. The calculation method determines at what point the overhead is to be calculated. Overhead codes can be placed selectively in specifications and the overhead percentage can be applied to the value for overhead based on the calculation types up to that point in the specification or since the last overhead calculation.

The available calculation methods are:

  • Total (value of calculation types so far)
  • Sub-Total (value of calculation types since last overhead)

In short, the overhead calculation can be made on cumulative figures (i.e. total) for a specification or the net figures since last overhead was calculated for a specification.

Calculation Types

Select the calculation type or types to use. The Overhead is calculated based on the value of the selected types. For example, overhead may be calculated on Materials only, or Materials and Labour only. You may select any combination of types.

The following types are available for selection:

  • Materials (All)
  • Materials (Only) (No sub-assemblies or packaging)
  • Materials (Sub-assembly)
  • Materials (Packaging)
  • Labour
  • Setup Labour
  • Other Charges

What-If Overhead

Overhead %

Enter the ‘what-if’ overhead percentage for this code. See related topic: What-if Costing Overview for more details.

Calculation Method

Select the ‘what-if’ calculation method to be used. The options here are the same as for the previous calculation method above.

Calculation Types

Select the ‘what-if’ calculation type (or types). The options here are the same as for the previous calculation types above.

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