Time Cards

Other Times Maintenance

Other Time Code

Other Time Code

Other Time Code can be numeric or alpha. A descriptive code like ‘SL’ for Sick Leave and ‘AL’ for Annual Leave can work well.
For details on the use of “codes”, see The Role of “Codes” in Online Advantage


Enter the description of the Other Time. This is a mandatory input and is used when selecting ‘other time’ during timecard entry and shown on displays and reports.

For more details on descriptions, see The Role of “Names & Descriptions” in Online Advantage

Productivity Code

Select the productivity code; Inactive, Non-productive, Productive.

During Time Card End of Month Processing, if an ‘Other Time’ item is set to Inactive then it is deleted if there is no recorded Time Card history within the standard retention period set in System Options.

Non-productive and Productive other times are split in Time Card transaction reporting into ‘Other Productive Time’ and ‘Other Non-Productive’ time.

When entering Time Cards, Non-productive Other Time may only be posted as ‘normal hours’ whereas Other Time deemed as Productive may be posted as Normal, Ordinary, Time and a Half, Double Time or Double Time and a Half.

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