Accounts Receivable Sales Analysis

Rep Categories (aka Till Operator Categories)

Rep Categories are used to group Sales Reps for reporting purposes. You can also set commission structures at the Rep Category level which saves you from having to maintain them on each rep if they are common across your reps.

In Point-Of-Sale (POS) these categories are called ‘Till Operator Categories’ and ‘Till Operators’. Commission entry is not available when updating Till Operator Categories from POS.

Every Sales Rep needs to be allocated to a category, so you must set up at least one Rep Category as a minimum. There is no requirement to have more than one.


You may structure your Sales Rep Categories any way you like. Some possible approaches are:

  • Junior, Senior and Executive – you may have 3 levels of commission depending on experience
  • Sales Manager – useful for a Sales Manager to filter reports so they only see the reps that are under their supervision
  • Territory – a Metropolitan Centre, Regional Centre, Remote Area geographical split
  • Casual, Part Time, Full Time – this could be useful in a POS environment when managing staff and finding contact details

Using Rep Categories (Till Operator Categories) you can give your list of sales reps some structure. For example:

  • Category = SME Account Reps
    • Johnny Raw
    • Kitty Young
    • Craig Green
  • Category = Corporate Account Reps
    • Bill Vet
    • Irene Gray
    • Kathleen Chief

Panel Options

  • Standard panel features
  • Maintenance
  • Views
    • Audit – shows an audit of data changes made over time to the rep category currently being viewed
    • Reps – shows a list of reps by rep category
  • Reports
    • List Rep Categories

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