Asset Ledger System Manager

Asset Locations

Asset Locations are used to record the physical address of where assets are kept and to define what branch they belong to in terms of the Online Advantage branch structure. They are not to be confused with Inventory Stock Locations. Asset Locations are purely used to record where assets are located within your organisation e.g. the building, the floor, the department etc.


Some examples of asset locations are:

  • OFF = Office
  • PLT = Plant
  • DC = Distribution Centre

Minimum Requirements

Each Asset must be assigned an Asset Location, so you must set up at least 1 Asset Location code.

Changing Established Data

You can add new Asset Locations and change an Asset’s Location at any time with no affect on the value of assets..

Panel Options

  • Standard panel features
  • Maintenance
  • Views
    • Audit – shows an audit of data changes made over time to the location currently being viewed
    • Where used – shows the list of assets allocated to the location currently being viewed
  • Reports
    • List Asset Locations

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