Accounts Receivable Business To Business Point Of Sale

Sales Rep (Till Operator) Maintenance

Rep Code

The Rep code can be numeric or alpha. The Rep’s initials are often descriptive and easy to use/remember, however if you have a high rep turn-around, something more generic might be more suitable. For example, code ‘NS’ might be for the ‘North Shore’ and rep Irene Gray (IG) works with the accounts assigned to that rep code.

For details on the use of “codes”, see The Role of “Codes” in Online Advantage


Enter the sales rep name. This appears on entry screens and reports.
For more details on descriptions, see The Role of “Names & Descriptions” in Online Advantage


For reps used as Till Operators, a password is required for POS sign-on e.g. in case a screen is left unattended at the counter.

Reps Category

Select the Rep Category, that this sales rep belongs to. Note that the default method for commissions is taken from the rep category.


Select the Branch that this sales rep belongs to.

This branch determines how this sales rep will be reported when you use the sales analysis functions to produce Sales Rep and Branch Sales/Budget reports.


Select this option to indicate the sales rep is inactive. Once a rep is tagged as inactive, it cannot be entered as a rep against Customer Accounts or Sales Orders. Setting a rep to inactive rather than deleting it allows you to continue seeing the sales history recorded for the rep. You may like to consider making an ‘Inactive’ Rep Category for reporting purposes and moving inactive reps to this category.


Enter the email address of the sales rep. The email address can then be used by the system to automatically email Order Confirmations to a rep when their customers place sales order via the eCommerce portals if that option is selected as part of the portal configuration.

Sales Commissions

The rep sales commission rates are entered in the form of a list. They are used to calculate sales reps’ commissions based on the sales activity recorded within nominated Product Groups. The commission calculation is based on a straight percentage calculation of gross sales value.

You first enter the Product Group for which you want to enter an over-ride commission structure for this rep, and then you enter the sales values and commission rates. In the list you can enter one or more commission rates in a sliding scale as follows:

Sales ValueCommission Rate

The above nominates that the commission rate is 0% for sales up to $100,000, 1% for sales between $200,000 and $350,000, and 1.75% for all sales above that. Note that the sales values are monthly figures as Online Advantage calculates commissions on a monthly cycle. A monthly Sales Reps Commission Statement is generated during the Sales ‘End Of Month’ (EOM) close-off.

Note that this commission structure only applies to sales made by this rep within each Product Group. All other calculations for commissions will use the reps assigned Rep Category commission structure unless there is a Product Group over-ride held on the rep.

Existing Group

Select the Product Group and the corresponding sales value and commission rates will be displayed.
You may also add new groups to the list by selecting the group and click ‘Add Group’. You can remove a group from the list by selecting the group and click ‘Delete Group’.

Sales Value

Enter the sales value i.e. the maximum salve value for which the commission rate will be used.

Commission Rate

Enter the commission rate to be used for the corresponding ‘sales value’ entered. The rate must be between 0% and 99.99%.

Click ‘Add’ to include the sales value and commission setting in the list.
Click the ‘Delete’ icon in the grid to delete a sales value and commission rate from the list.

Monthly Budgets

Here you can enter and maintain a 12-month sales budget and commission values for a Rep. The actuals for each month in the current year and last year are shown for comparison purposes also.

The budgeted sales values for the current year are entered against the respective months, in whole dollars. This screen also displays the actual sales figures achieved by the rep, the percentage of the sales budget achieved, the commission value calculated by the system, and the commission as a percentage of the sales value. The details for the previous year are also shown.

Note that the commission value payable to the sales rep can be adjusted manually via this routine to allow for any adjustments you may perform before paying the reps commission, but you may not enter commission values for future months.

If you have uploaded budgets from the sales budget upload facility, you are not able to maintain the budgets with this function.

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