This routine is used when the EDI data import of messages is being performed as a server based activity, usually because the EDI messages are being delivered and stored directly onto the Online Advantage server or at least in a folder that Online can access to read the messages direction.
In order for Online to do a server based EDI message import it must know the file name and folder path (UNC) to the server where EDI data is located so that it can be accessed by directly to upload and create sales orders.
If Advanced Shipping Notices (ASN) are required/in use then you should also record the ASN data path details here too.
Data Input
Step 1 – File Details
Order File details
Separator Character
This is the character used in the raw EDI data to separate individual data fields.
File Name
This is the name of the raw EDI data file. This name is not case sensitive.
File Path
This is the file path required to access the raw EDI data file. This path is not case sensitive. The path entered here is used to create a file pointer called ORDER.EDI which is used to access the raw EDI data. If a server “file share” or network path (UNC style) is in use you should seek assistance from your Online Advantage support team on how to establish the correct data access configuration.
ASN File Details
Separator Character
This is the character used in the ASN data to separate individual data fields.
File Name
This is the name of the ASN data file. This name is not case sensitive.
File Path
This is the file path required to access the ASN data file. This path is not case sensitive. The path entered here is used to create a file pointer called ASN.EDI which is used to access the ASN data. Note: the ASN file path cannot be the same as the Order file path. As above, if a server “file share” or network path (UNC style) is in use you should seek assistance from your Online Advantage support team on how to establish the correct data access configuration.
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