Order Management

Build Order from Sales History in Sales Item


This option is provided to allow users to create a sales order based on the customer’s previous ordering transactions. This allow users to service customer requests like “I’d like to reorder whatever I purchase last month’. You can specify how many weeks history to use as part of the ‘build’ process. Once complete the user can then edit, delete and add line items to the order before finalising the details.

Data Input


Sales for past n weeks.

Enter the number of weeks of previous sales history to go back through when searching for the customer’s prior sales transactions. This number is defaulted from the ‘Default Sales History Weeks’ setting in the System Options  ‘Sales – Orders’ section. However it can be changed by the user to provide a bigger/smaller period to be used as part of the order build process.

All products previously sold to the current orders ‘Customer’ at the current orders ‘Issuing Location’ in the specified period are displayed in a list along with the previous and current details as follows (note the items in bold can be edited):

  • Average Quantity – this is the total quantity sold over the number of weeks specified. For example, if there were 100 sold in total, over 4 weeks, average is 25 per week
  • Total Quantity – this is the total quantity sold over the number of weeks specified
  • Order Quantity – enter the new order quantity here. Set to ‘Zero’ to exclude the product from the new order
  • Available Quantity – the current available quantity for the sales issuing locations inventory. Calculated as per your specified Stock Formula
  • Last Price – the price used on the last sales transaction for this customer i.e. the sale with the most recent date
  • Use Last Price – tick this option to use the last price instead of the current selling price on the system
  • Price – the current price from the Price List
  • Discount % – the current discount for the customer
  • Tax % – the tax rate for the product
  • Nett – the total value of the order line i.e. price x quantity less discount + tax

NOTE: If the customer is now excluded from purchasing certain product groups that they may have purchased in the past, the excluded items are NOT included in the Sales History list.

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Build Order.

In order to create ‘Sale Items’ based on the customers sales history, simply click the ‘Build Order’ option to load any products that have an ‘Order Quantity’ into the new sales order. Note that if you click the ‘Next’ button NO order details are not created. Once you’ve clicked ‘Build Order’, the working details are no longer available.

You can choose the Sales History option again however, and use same ‘Build Order’ function to add more items to the sales order you are working on. In other words repeated use of the ‘Build Order’ function will always add in new new order lines. Existing order lines will NOT be adjusted once they are created.

Once the items are loaded to the sales order you can edit each item as needed to adjust price, discount, line item notes etc. or simply delete them from the list if needed.

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