Release 9.5

Version 9.5.1342.1 Online Advantage

Released May 2023 : version 9.5.1342.1 Online Advantage

Real-time General Ledger updating – for those clients who like to see transactions reflected in the General Ledger immediately and can’t wait for overnight “EOD” processing, real-time GL postings is now available. Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet and Trial Balance figures are updated at the same time as transactions are completed. A new system option has been added to enable real-time GL posting. Contact our support team if you would like to switch this option on.

Work Order Costs – some new tools have been added for Manufacturing to help manage changes to work order costs. The cost to manufacturing a product on a work order is calculated at the time of work order entry. If component costs for the manufacturing specification have changed since the work order was entered, the work order cost can become out of date, especially for long running work orders.

To assist with this occurrence, a new Work Order Cost Alert report has been added to End-Of-Day (EOD) to provide a list of work orders where the cost no longer reflects the current specification cost. System Managers should use the EOD Report Manager to make sure this report is emailed to the Production Manager for action.

The report can also be run manually from the ‘Manufacturing > Outstanding Orders’ menu.

Work order costs can be updated by re-submitting the work order in Work Order Entry, but there is a new function (Update WO Costs) on the ‘Manufacturing > Processing’ menu to let you update the cost of many work orders at once.

Non-inventory item reporting – a non-inventory item is one that is created on-the-fly via Sales Order Entry or Point-of-Sale entry. It is usually an item you don’t normally stock, that you intend to ‘buy in’ at the time you need to fill a customer order. These items are added immediately to the product transfer list and are cleared from the Product Master once the order is filled. A new Inventory Setup report has been added to list these items showing the user who created the non-inventory item and the sales order/customer it was intended for. A product ‘note’ has also been added to these items with the same details for quick reference.

Manual Despatch – Invoice Date – a new System Option has been added that allows you to set the ‘invoice date’ as a required field when entering Orders/Invoices via the Sales Manual Despatch function. Normally Manual Despatch is used to enter orders/invoices for items that have already been despatched. If the despatch occurred a few days prior to the data entry and the actual Invoice Date isn’t entered, the invoice date will default to the date of entry. By setting Invoice Date to be a required field, the data entry operator is forced to enter an Invoice Date which should improve accuracy for invoicing. The new option is ‘Mandatory Invoice Date in Manual Despatch’ and you will find it on the Sales-orders group in System Options.

Accounts Payable Adjustments – has been enhanced to include the transaction date. It can now be used to change the date for Invoice and Return transactions if the date was entered incorrectly. You are also given the option to recalculate and change the due date (using the Supplier terms).

Payment Reference – when initiating an Accounts Payable ‘Payment Run’, the Payment Reference now defaults to the Supplier’s invoice number if only one invoice is picked up for payment. This Payment Reference will flow through to your Supplier’s bank statements so they can better match your payment to their invoice.

Bank Transfer – when extracting Payment Reference to use as Lodgement Reference for bank transfer ABA files, the Payment Reference now used is the reference from the bank transfer item (aka ‘line item’) or if that is empty, the reference from the bank transfer group (aka ‘header’), or if that is empty, the Remittance Advice no. for the payment, or if that is empty, the bank transfer reference itself.

To illustrate that further:

  • if you do a payment run and pick up 1 supplier invoice, the supplier invoice reference is going to be the Payment Reference in the ABA file
  • if you enter a Manual Payment and don’t enter any particular ‘Payment Reference’ or if you do a payment run which picks up several invoices, the ‘Remittance Advice number’ is going to be the reference on the ABA file. The payee can match it to the Remittance Advice emailed to them (unless you enter a Payment Reference in the Bank Transfer function)
  • if you enter a Payment Reference on the Bank Transfer item details, that will be the reference that is recorded in the ABA file
  • if you have no Payment Reference on individual items on the Bank Transfer file, but one Payment Reference entered for the whole batch, that will be the reference for each item in the ABA file

Manual Payment/Bank Transfer – when you enter a zero value Manual Payment (e.g. to offset a supplier invoice against a return credit) it will no longer write out a zero-value item entry in the Bank Transfer details. This saves the effort of having to delete that ‘zero’ item out of the details before exporting to the bank.

Inter-bank Transfer Register – an Inter-Bank Transfer ‘Register’ report has been added to the End-Of-Month Accounts Payable reports.

Deposit Details Report – at the end of the Deposit Details report there is a ‘Deposit Summary’ that breaks down all the payments received by tender method (Cash, Card, Cheque etc.). A new option has been added that causes this summary to be broken down further by ‘Bank Reconciliation Code’ from the Tender Types settings. Contact support if you would like to switch this option on.

Deposit Liability Report – a report on outstanding Deposits has been added to the End-of-month Debtors reports.

Failed Statements – when a Debtors Statement fails to send/print a failure message is sent to your message inbox and that message now shows some details of the statement for “context” purposes making it easier for the receiving user to action.

Upload Purchase Orders – a new column has been added for the unit of measure of sundry items. This has been inserted after Sundry Description in column AK, so if you are using this tool, you will need to adjust your spreadsheet format.

Upload RFQ – a new column has been added for the unit of measure of sundry items. This column has been inserted after Sundry Item Reference in column AL, so if you are using this tool, you should adjust your spreadsheet format.

e-Commerce Customer Order Number – we are no longer using the e-Commerce Options setting to determine if the ‘Customer Order Number’ input in the e-Commerce portal is a required field. Instead the setting is determined in the same way as the Order Processing applications using the settings System Options, Customer, Customer Terms and/or User settings.

Excluding Sizes from e-Commerce – you can now exclude selected Sizes for a particular product from appearing on a Customer’s B2B portal via the Customer Products function. Besides the new entry in Customer Products, the Download Customer Products report and Upload Customer Products tool have changed to include the new size exclusion flag.

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