Reporting Advantage – for all your reporting needs.
Release 9.2 Reporting
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There are times when you require alternative stationery formats within the system. Sometimes this can simply be the ability to vary the name, address and contact information that the system prints. Other times you might need a completely different format for a branch or group of users. In the 9.2 Release we have added the […]
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Report Filters are a significant resource for the user. With them, more targeted reporting is achieved. Without them, the user has to wade through too much data and reports that are just too long. In short, they provide focus. All the things a user is not concerned about can be excluded. Alternatively, only the data […]
Reports can now be Scheduled from the Report Launcher. This means that a user can set a report to run at a regular time to save having to do that manually. Many of our customers told us that they run reports on a regular schedule and “deliver” them to selected users in the company. With […]
Release 9.1 Reporting
9.1 see’s the introduction of a new and powerful Sales tool which allows for the easy generation of what we have termed “Standard Sales” reports. We have used this reporting tool to generate a staggering 490 different sales reports from the data held with the Online Advantage sales analysis system. These new reports are already […]
This version sees the release of our new Process Scheduler. With it, we can schedule End of Day, End of Week or End of Month procedures to run as required. The setup is simple to do, just need to nominate the user who will be running the process and then pick your options. We can […]
There are also new features that have been added to the Report Query editor as follows: User Reports added to the system using the Reporting Tools can now be added onto “selected” Online Advantage menus from the Query create/edit form. This allows them to be “published” into the standard menu structure so that users can […]
Once again we have a new and improved version of the Report Designer in this release. Apart from some cosmetic improvements to the look and feel of the Designer there are significant enhancements to its functionality. Here’s a look at the new style: Below is a summary of some of the more important new features […]
As with most releases of OA, we have once again given attention to improvements in the general reporting tools available to users. In the 9.1 release includes a number of significant enhancements to the reporting tools to give users more facilities across all the standard reports in Online Advantage. These improvements are summarised below: Reporting […]
Release 8.1 Reporting
The first new reporting feature to mention is the inclusion of a Branch Logo facility across all the appropriate “stationery” formats. This means that if it exists, OA will put a branch image logo on the document when generating the print rather than using the standard “company” logo. The support documents are: Purchase Order Quotes […]
The 9.1 release includes a number of significant enhancements to the reporting tools to give users more facilities across all the standard reports in Online Advantage. These improvements are summarised below: Report Launcher – Filters When launching reports in the 9.1 Release, the first change to mention is a new User Interface (UI) for filters. […]
A major change to report launching is the introduction of our ‘Quick Launch’ step. We’ve changed the report destination to a visual choice. A series of icons (as seen below) allow users to quickly launch to all the supported file formats and close the Report Launcher with one click. This also includes the ability to […]
Also in this release the Cube has had additional features added to improve its functionality. The most important new features are the two buttons shown below for Exporting the Cube details to Excel and HTML. See Cube sample below: The Excel option in particular has been much sought after by OA users. Once a Cube […]