Order Management

Generate and Print Picking Dockets – Back Orders – No Stock Check


This procedure is used to generate Picking Dockets for outstanding Customer & Stock Transfer Back Orders that are waiting to be picked without checking if there is Stock Available as would normally be the case, depending on the ‘Check Stock’ System Options setting. The idea behind this function is to allow users to generate picking paperwork in advance for selected back orders that would NOT normally be selected for picking because stock is not available yet. This scenario might be because stock purchases haven’t been booked in yet, or Manufacturing production is yet to be recorded, but you know stock is going to be available shortly and need an override option. In all other ways this function is like the ‘Generate and Print Picking Dockets – Back Orders from Inventory’ facility.

There are a number of selection criteria available for choosing the back orders to pick including:

  • Issuing Location
  • Back Order value
  • Customer
  • Product Group Category
  • Product Group
  • Back Order
  • Product
  • Receiving Location
  • Market Segment

For the items selected, the Back Order is deleted and replaced with a new Sales Order – either as a new order or added to an existing order being picked if that is how back orders are configured in System Options. The Sales Order is then subject to credit checking prior to being released for picking. Back Orders for customers with a credit status of Hold or Unapproved are not converted to orders, leaving the stock for customers with a credit approved account.

Back Orders matching the system and user entered criteria are selected and displayed for confirmation in the form of a list. The list (or batch) of orders selected can be refined by the user. Items can be excluded if required, before the list is submitted for Pick Docket Processing. Once stock is allocated to the items and the orders are processed for picking, you are able to print the Picking Dockets produced from this batch of back orders selected.

Data Input


Step 1 – Select Run

Order Run Processing

Release Symbol

Default ‘picking runs’ can be established to allow orders to be processed based on previously entered parameters. This allows users to create saved filters for a variety of picking approaches which can then be reused as the need arises. Having each approach to picking stored for later use provides convenience and cuts down on data entry and mistakes.

For example, you may establish runs by delivery area and name the runs ‘Northern Region’, ‘Eastern Region’ etc. or for different Order Classes i.e Retail, B2B or Market Segments i.e. Trade, Wholesale etc.

New Run Selections

Choose this if you want to create a new run with new parameters

Default Run Selections

When you save run parameters, you have the option to set one run as a default. This run should have the parameters that you use most often. Choose this if you want to use the parameters specified in your default run.

Load Previously Saved Run Selections

If you want to use parameters from a previously saved run, choose this option. A list of available runs is shown and you may select the run that you want to use.

Save this run’s selection

Choose this if you would like to save the parameters you are going to use on the current run for re-use later. With this option selected, you are required to give the run a ‘code’ and a descriptive name. You have an option to set the run as the default run.

Add orders to a previously generated run

When you do a picking run it is allocated a ‘run number’. You may find that after you have created a picking run that some more orders have come in that need to be included. Using this option you can select the previously generated run number, and add more orders under the same run number.

The benefit of consolidating orders for picking under a ‘run number’ is that you can use the run number as a filter in other processes, like Reset Picking Dockets for example, and easily pick up all orders in a run. You may also produce a consolidated pick list for easier, more efficient picking.
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Step 2 – Issuing Location

Issuing Location

Enter the location stock is to be allocated from. Only back orders with a corresponding location code on them are selected for this processing run. You must enter an Issuing Location.

Back Orders over this Amount

This is an optional selection criteria. If you enter a value here, only back orders with a total back order value exceeding the entered threshold are selected. This allows you to give priority to higher value back orders when allocating stock. It can also be used as a way of preventing the selection of small value back orders from picking. Leave this amount as zero to disregard this as a selection criteria.
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Step 3 – Customers

You can restrict the orders selected to the Customers entered. Leave the list empty if you want to select back orders for all Customers. This feature allows you to focus on one or a list of specified customers so their back orders can get picked in a batch. Can be handy if a customer has requested an urgent delivery or if they’ve advised they’re sending someone over to pickup-up some items that are on back order.

Customer Code

Select the existing customer code and Add to the list. Customers that are on Credit Hold, or Unapproved may not be entered here.
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Step 4 – Group Categories

You can restrict the orders selected to the Product Group Categories entered. Leave the list empty if you want to select from all Categories.

Product Category Code

Select the Product Category Code and Add to the list.
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Step 5 – Product Group

You can restrict the orders selected to the Product Groups entered. Leave the list empty if you want to select from all Product Groups.

Product Group Code

Select the Product Group Code and Add to the list.
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Step 6 – Back Orders

You can restrict the orders selected to the specific Back Orders entered. Leave the list empty if you want to select from all Back Orders.

Back Order Number

Enter an existing back order number. Upon selecting the back order, Add the details to the list.

Note that upon input of the back order, the details of the back order are displayed – Customer/ Location Code, Customer/ Location Name, Delivery Code, Product Code, Product Name, Sales Unit and Order Quantity – for confirmation. You cannot enter back orders where the customer is on Credit Hold or has Unapproved Credit status or where the back order is not for the entered issuing location.
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Step 7 – Products

You can restrict the orders selected to the Products entered. Leave the list empty if you want to select from all Products.


Select the Product and Add to the list.
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Step 8 – Receiving Locations

You can restrict the orders selected (for transfer back orders) to the Receiving Locations entered. Leave the list empty if you want to select from all Receiving Locations.

Receiving Locations Code / Name

Select the receiving location code and Add to the list.
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Step 9 – Market Segment

You can restrict the back orders selected to the Market Segments entered here. Leave the list empty if you want to select from all Market Segments.

Customer Market Segment Code

Select the customer market segment code and Add to the list.
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Step 10 – Selected Items

On submission of the details entered, the system will select from the outstanding back orders based on the users selection criteria and the mandatory system criteria. The back order items selected for Pick Docket Processing are presented in a list for further refinement. All the selected back orders are ‘ticked’ for inclusion in the picking docket run as a default. Simply un-tick any back orders that you would like to be omitted from picking docket processing before submitting the list.

Note: The ‘Quantity Required’ column shows the total of Back Orders for the product. The ‘Quantity Available’ column shows the total quantity available at the selected issuing location and the ‘Quantity Short’ column shows you any shortfall for that item.

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Finish & Options

At the Finish step you are shown how many items are about to be processed for picking. Click submit to create picking dockets for the selected back orders. The back orders selected are sorted by required date. For the products selected, the back orders are filled in this required date order. The back order is deleted and a sales order created. Any orders created are credit checked before being allowed to be processed for picking.

In Inventory, the ‘Back Order’ quantity is reduced by the quantity being delivered and the ‘On Pick’ quantity is increased. Orders are updated with a ‘run number’ and their order status is set to ‘On Pick’. The quantity delivered and quantity back-ordered are set for each line item on each order. Note that the delivery and back-order quantities are calculated from data currently present in the inventory system and may be changed later if necessary via the Adjust Picking Dockets or Adjust Picking Docket Quantities functions.

If items are not added to the orders being picked in the run, it may be due to the System Options setting for “Separate Order Per Customer Order Number”.  Note that there is also an override setting for the “Separate Order Per Customer Order Number” per Customer which is also checked as part of this function.


Once the processing is completed, the function will display how many picking dockets are ready for printing and you are presented with several options as below:

Print Picking Dockets – use this option to print the picking dockets

Print Delivery Labels – if you print delivery labels at the same time as picking dockets, use this option to print those labels

Generate More Picking Dockets For Same Location – use this option if you want to generate another batch of picking dockets without having to enter the location again

Generate Picking Dockets For A Different Location – use this option if you want to generate another batch of picking dockets for a different issuing location

Back Orders with Credit Problems – use this option to print a report of back orders items that have stock available but where the customer has credit status issues

Orders Not Released – use this option to print a report of back orders that were on the selection list for processing but did not have a picking docket created. The main reason for back orders to be on this report would be if there was insufficient stock to fill all the items selected
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